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Page 01

Original Text:

1. すげえ

2. とーちゃん ここ家がいっぱい あるな!

3. そーだろー お店もあるぞー

4. お店もか!?



1. Sugee

​2. Touchan koko ie ga ippai aru na!

3. Sou darou omise mo aru zo~

4. Omise mo ka!?

English Translation:

1. Awesome

2. There's a lot of houses here daddy!

3. Sure is. There are stores too.

4. Stores too!?



すげえ is a slang word derived from the i-adjective すげい which means "awesome / amazing / great..."

Since it is a slang word, slang translations are also acceptable, such as "cool".


People often say すげい when they are pretty excited about something.

The last sylable is sometimes extended for emphasis, similar to the English "cooool!"



This noun is a very informal way to adress to one's father. It's like the english word "daddy".


This kind of diminutive comes from the more formal word おとうさん.



ここ is a noun that means "here".



いえ is a noun that means "house".

There is another word for "house". It is 「うち」.

They are both written with the same kanji. Its prononciation depends on the context.

いえ is strictly referring to the building called a "house".
うち is much more flexible because it can be the building AND the place where one lives.



が, often known as "subject marker" is a particle that emphasizes the subject of the sentence.



いっぱい is an useful expression that means "lots of" or "a lot"



ある is the informal version of the verb あります which means "to exist / to live / to have / to be..."

There is another verb that means the exact same thing. It is 「います」.

But there is a huge difference on how they are used.

あります is used for non-engaging subjects, such as plants, books, toys, rocks, etc.. 

​います, on the other hand, is used for engaging subjects, such as people and animals.


Here's a couple of examples on when to use each:

Japanese: よつばちゃんは車の中にいます

Romaji: Yotsuba-chan wa kuruma no naka ni imasu.

English Translation: Yotsuba is inside the car.

Note: Yotsuba is a person, therefore, we use the verb います.

Japanese: かばんは車の中にあります

Romaji: Kaban wa kuruma no naka ni arimasu.

English Translation: The bag is inside the car.

Note: The bag is an non-engaging object, therefore, we use the verb あります.



This expression means "soon" or "rather shortly".



This expression means "soon" or "rather shortly".



This expression means "soon" or "rather shortly".



This expression means "soon" or "rather shortly".



This expression means "soon" or "rather shortly".



This expression means "soon" or "rather shortly".



This expression means "soon" or "rather shortly".

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