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Volume 01 Chapter 01  >  Cover

Page 01

Original Text:

1. よつばと!1

2. あずまきょひこ



1. Yotsuba to! 1

2. Azuma Kyohiko


English Translation:

1. Yotsuba & / and! 1

2. Kyohiko Azuma



This is the name of the main character.

When literally translated, the name "Yotsuba" (四葉) means "four leaves", as in "yotsuba no kuroubaa" (四葉のクローバー), which means "four-leaf clover".

Observing her green hair which is always styled into four pigtails, the author's reason to choose such name becomes evident.


This is a japanese particle that can be roughly translated into "and".

However, unlike the english word "and", is only used to connect nouns and pronouns , never phrases and clauses.

Here's an example of how you should use it:

Japanese: 英語日本語を話します。

Romaji: Eigo to nihongo wo hanashimasu.

Translation: I speak English and Japanese.

And here's how you cannot use it:

Japanese: 私は本屋に行きましたマンガを買った

Romaji: Watashi wa honya ni ikimashita to manga wo katta.

English Translation: I went to the bookstore and I bought a manga.

For this kind of situations, where you need to connect two phrases or clauses, you would use the particle そして which can be also translated into "and".

So, here's the correct way to do it:

Japanese: 私は本屋に行きましたそしてマンガを買った

Romaji: Watashi wa honya ni ikimashita soshite manga wo katta.

English Translation: I went to the book store and I bought a manga.

The reason this manga is called よつばと!resides in the fact that all chapter titles are named "Yotsuba and [something!]. Like "Yotsuba and Cicada Hunt!"

あずまきょひこ (東清彦):


This is the name of the author of this manga.



About Japanese names:

In modern times, Japanese names usually consist of a family name (surname), followed by a given name. Romanized names are written in Western order though (given name followed by surname).

Unlike our western tradition, "middle names" are not generally used.

Usually, the wife takes the husband's surname on marriage, and their children will automatically have that same surname.

Although the author uses the hiragana version of his name as a pen name in this manga, Japanese names are usually written in kanji.

In general, Japanese people will address other people by their last name unless they’re really close friends, family, or lovers.

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